Stop wasting time, money and efforts on tuition processing. With Procare own tuition processor, you can increase the profitability of your child care business as well as focus your teaches on why you’re all in the business of child care.

Join our 25 min webinar with our Chief Product Office, Jon Pollack and our customer XXXX, from YYYY childcare center.

Make It Easier To Get Paid

  • Easier for parents to pay you
  • Today’s parents expect digital payments
  • Convenient and secure for you and parents

Be a More Efficient Business

  • Automated process and no manual posting
  • Less processing fees
  • Improve cashflow by getting your funds sooner

Focus on What Matters:
The Children

  • More time focused on the children
  • Happier and more fulfilled teachers
  • More time in the classroom

Ready to see a Demo
to learn more now?

Let’s make it easier and more profitable for you to manage your tuition processing.